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Recently, I have felt that his breath of life has gradually disappeared. died I raised my eyebrows and asked. Almost. It said lightly Even if he did not die, he must have reached the end of his life. Years of suppression have exhausted his vitality.Even if the life of a human race is broken and becomes a fairy, It is impossible to fight for life with the Datiangu clan, I want you to go out, go to him, confirm that he is dead, and if not, replace me with a knife As he said, his eyes were fierce If I remember correctly, your kid is double dagger assassination is quite fierce, and your blow should be able to kill him completely And you, you must promise me, because You have no room for resistance at all, I want to kill you, it is just a matter of thought.

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The posture of the forest has changed.It is true that with the help of Orange Night, none of these quasi bosses can compete with me.

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However, since it was a quest from Castle Black, there was nothing to say. Anyway, it was based on experience, so I nodded and said, You can take it.Okay, please come and help as soon as possible The next moment, a bell flashed in my ear System prompt You have accepted the quest Sacrifice of the Devouring Pit is rank Mission content Go to the back mountain, hunt all kinds of food in the mountains, put it into the spirit devouring pit, and sacrifice it to the ancient gods.

Her attacks are always so sharp The Stitching Monster roared and attacked with a lightning like kitchen knife, while Shiratori slanted his body slightly and avoided it with ease.

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The other orange puppet followed behind, already acting as if he was following me. Fengyuntai, private cave.In the main hall of the cave, in my room, I placed the tattered female puppet directly in the corner of the room, and then used a brush to take care of her up and down.

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