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I cut off these trees about two meters high one by one, and then cut off the trunks. When I put the first trunk into the package, I immediately gave a prompt.get 150 jins of flame sacred wood Come on, that is enough, that is enough No, it is not enough, how can the Queen of Fire Demon continue to possess such treasures As a result, the kakaka slashed, and suddenly one after another flame tree fell into the package, and there were 70 in a blink of an eye, and the total weight has exceeded 10,000 catties I think, in the entire Black City, Lin Fengnian has probably never seen so many flame trees in his life, right Ten minutes later, only the last flame tree remained.

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Behind, the roar bursts, and fights again.But at the order of Senior Sister Yun, my flying boat directly set foot on the way home, and landed on the square outside the Blood Pond not long after.

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